// Reflexiones del año 1997 - Messages received on year 1997//

First 10 Reflections received on August 1997 -10 Primeras reflexiones recibidas en el mes de Agosto de 1997


El principio de la vida es ser feliz. el amor, la tolerancia y el deseo sincero de servir pueden dar la pauta para que de uno en

uno vayamos aportando la fuerza y el poder necesarios para mejorar el mundo.

Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas Mexico


I enjoyed your homepage very much. I agree with the philosphy on your homepage.

Naples, Florida U.S.A


Este es un mensaje de amor hacia el mundo,al lugar en el que el hombre se encierra en su universo

y muere sin remedio y solitario.En el lugar donde el universo se limita

y Dios desaparece en la mente de los hombres.Bajo mi tarea espiritual en este planeta

he tratado de seguir la linea de mi padre " El Avatar Saint Germaint" que con un corazon puro cumplio

la parte de la tarea acordada con el gran " Jesus Sananda " el nazareno mejor conocido como Jesucristo.

Completandose la tarea con la mision servida por Kutumi

Les pedimos desde el punto de luz del amor de Dios que cumplan los lineamientos mandados, que

en combinacion con las siete esferas logran la iluminacion de las almas y su trascendencia hacia

el ser supremo " La Maginfica presencia" padre dador de vida.

Por eso les pido que se ayuden los unos a los otros y buscando la perfeccion de lo que hacen

logrando asi la salvacion con el planeta. Ayuden a descontaminar, no coman mas que

plantas y frutos, hagan la unidad mundial, respeten la humanidad y sean uno con la naturaleza y gana

tu salvacion.

Tijuana Baja California Mexico


"Entre las naciones y los individuos el Derecho al respeto ajeno es la paz"

Benito Juárez 1806-1872 Unico presidente mexicano 100 % indígena.

Guadalajara Mexico


Tantas cosas hay que decir, tantas cosas hay que hacer, tal vez por eso se quedan la mayoria cortados,

ciegos, mudos y paralizados.....incluso yo.

Si podemos llegar a respetar cada uno, sin tener que ocuparnos por su color de piel, aspecto fisico, estado inteligente o origen

simplemente respetar por ser un humano - creo que llegarémos a todo lo que soñamos ver en el futuro.

Lanzarote Spain


Sono tra le piu' belle pagine del Web. Un'idea veramente originale.


Asti Italy


A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole

planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with

marvelous swiftness and perfect regularity.

"The World Order of Baha'u'llah" p.203, Shoghi Effendi, March 11, 1936

(to be read as if two voices: indented lines are second voice)

... your soul be free 1 August , 1997 2:43 am by Kianoosh

what's up friend?


come on now, something's bothering you

nah, it's nothin man

allright, i got some stress.

oh about what?


my brothers and sisters got stress

i mean, lost jobs, lost money, lost dignity

lost name, lost language, lost religion, lost culture, lost God,

"and many of us by the way we act, we even lost our minds"

there it is man, it's just stress

even that word, stress

yeah, listen to it, stress

it likes to break, aggravate, disintegrate

yet let us demonstrate

some knowledge:

some speak for violence

yeah, they rock for disunity

i think we need to come together right now, in our commUnity

for you and me are one, said and done

done not but said

cuz others like to kill instead


meaning: to deprive of life

and stress causes strife

im not about to front

id rather be kinda blunt

not blunted, but confront it

cuz when i look out there

and check out the scene

what is it you see?

it's a rat race, a rat race

and all i see is disgrace

disgraceful you, disgraceful me

we need to pump up nobility

this is the key.

so, are you listenin are you listenin?

is your mind still lost friend?

apathy drains the brain brings pain Ambush the coming rain

(apathy drains the brain brings pain Ambush the coming rain)

until slowly and subtly

or suddenly and harshly

your soul be free ...

thank you,

Philadelphia USA


Quedei abraiada pola cualidade que reflexan os teus deseños gráficos, e máis ainda,polo "sentido de universalidade" que transmites na túa mensaxe.

Entendo que a "nosa andadura pola vida" debe ser coherente con calquer convicción filosófica ou relixiosa. Se non é así, reflexionemos...

I was fascinate in the quality of the graphics designs and especially, in the "universality sense" that you transmited in your message. I understand

that our "walking about the life" must be coherent with any philosofic or religious conviction. If it weren't like this, reflection...

Vigo Spain


I'm sending love,tolerance & understanding to all people in our universe.May it be received immediately for

the sake of the highest good for Us All.

Rochester USA


what can I do? I think.....just to look the world through the others'eyes. My eyes aren't the only ones in the world....

my eyes aren't really important. They are just...one more couple of eyes!

So I must forget myself for a while and see the other´s world, the's also my own world.

All of us are important! Everyone is important. I'm not the most important all over this world!!!!!!

Lugo Spain

First 10 Reflections received on September 1997 -10 Primeras reflexiones recibidas en el mes de Septiembre de 1997


"Make a difference", she said,

And my ears rang.

Gilded words can hurt too,

Like sharp hunger pangs.

So I search my heart,

And bare my soul.

Knowing that on all of us,

Time takes it's toll.

And that in all it's glory,

Humanity can be honest.

And in it's ugliness,

It can be such a tempest.

The most I can offer you my friend,

Is far less than it seems.

It is all I have to share with you,

These common, common dreams.

Seattle USA


Ojala todos nos pararamos a pensar un poco más a menudo sobre que queremos que sea nuestra vida.

Cadiz Spain


There is more light than shadow .Hay mas luz que oscuridad en el mundo

Barcelona Spain


Right on brother!!!

Robertsdale, Alabama USA


Un mundo mejor ha de estar formado por personas mejores Que cada uno destierre de

sí toda violencia y no aplauda la violencia de los demás ni en la vida no como espectaculo.

Las buenas ideas y los buenos sentimientos no deben transformarse nunca

en odio o en lcuhar contra los demás. Debemos ir siempre a favor de todo lo bueno.

Zaragoza Spain


Very good and the pictures send a clear and pleasant message

Texas USA


Si todo el mundo hiciera el mayor bien para el mayor numero de personas

seres vivientes y cosas , y ademas premiara las cosas buenas y

castigara las malas, este sera un mundo digno de vivir en el.

El amor a todo es el mayor secreto para un mundo mejor

Monterrey Mexico


É bom ver o mundo através de seus olhos, Anna !

Seus olhos são lindos ! ! !

Rio de Janeiro Brazil


E fermoso erguerse prender o computador e ver en Vieiros cousas coma esta, demostrando que tamen coa nosa lingua se pode ser universal

Soutullo Galiza


I want a rainbow world, full of love, cooperation, peace, and harmony. A world working

together to collectively solve and remedy the problems we and our ancesters have created that

will affect not only ourselves but our future generation.


First 10 Reflections received on October 1997 -10 Primeras reflexiones recibidas en el mes de Octubre de 1997


Try as I may to find the perfect words to describe what I want for this world,

what can I say that has not been said yet, how eloquently, or how simply can I put it,

and have people listen? Just look at the world around you. Look at the things in nature you

behold as magnificent, gorgeous, and beautiful.Then ask yourself, "Is there a God who created

all this?" Look at the things in our world that we behold as bad. Then ask yourself, "Is there a

God who created this?" Then close your eyes and listen, not for something audible like the sound

of the radio or the chirp of a bird, but something that echoes in the depths of your heart. What you

do after that, may you do with compassion, humility, determination, and love....

Tujunga, California USA


Para mejorar el mundo es conveniente que la riqueza tanto material como espiritual sea mas compartida

Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia


live and let live! viva e deixe viver!

Sao Paulo Brazil


Ya estamos al final del siglo XX y al parecer fue un siglo perdido: además de las guerras, monopolios,

gobiernos autoritarios,hambruna, racismo, desastre ecológico, etc., el principal defecto es que no supimos emplear nuestras

herramientas para el bien de la humanidad.

Con sus capacidades, por más modestas que sean, cada quien debe emplearlas para salvar éste mundo, el cual todavía no entendemos

que es el único y el último que vamos a tener.

Sahuayo México


Impressive. Captivating.

Newark, USA


One of the best things for the humanity would be speaking a commnon language

Spain-European Community


Las personas deberían empezar a asomarse al exterior de su propio ombligo, la humanidad funcionaría mucho mejor :-)

Madrid Spain


This is a truly wonderful and positive page. This is a great way to bring thoughts and ideas spanning different countries and

languages together. I wish peace and happiness to each and everyone.

Tennessee ,Shelbyville USA


Thank you for a beautiful site

Los Angeles California


En todo ser humano hay paz y felicidad .. incluso en aquellos que se la viven destruyendo a los demas la solucion esta cerca y

no es dificil, porque somos positivos la podemos ver.Gracias Anna por esta magnifica oportunidad

Medellin Colombia

First 10 Reflections received on November 1997 -10 Primeras reflexiones recibidas en el mes de Noviembre de 1997


Yes...knowing the limits in life and the desire of human heart can give you a gentle life pattern.

Greedyness and power often the main ingredients for the destrucktions.Humans nowaday is moving to

wards the dark civilisation living along something renounce 'modern' living.

Peaceful world begin at a peaceful home.Every individu is attach to a home.Create and live

in peaceful families members will link to a peaceful harmony community which then link to a peaceful

nations..What I really wish for a peaceful harmony homes with attention and respect of any individu young

or old.Economy or wealth make may also create stress in mind and soul.

So never make it anrguement!!of it. Hands are wealth...so use it.It can make what you want to be.I

f you  believe it...can. It can!

If you belive it happen..its happens!

So lets try with a home to create a world of dreams..

Taiping - Malasya


I love your page! i think it's the most beautiful and emotional

site i've ever seen! great job :)



I want everyone in my university has sincerity for each others.

I feel they do everythings for some purposes. I want to get sincerity from them as

I want them to get it from me too.

Bangkok Thailand


Buda dijo: "Toda Revolucion esta destinada al fracaso, la autentica

Revolucion es interior". Si intentamos mejorarnos a nosotros mismos ya estaremos haciendo algo

para mejorar el Mundo.No esperes recibir mas de lo que tu das. Da a los demas lo mejor de ti

y ya estaras contribuyendo a hacer un Mundo mejor.

Buddha said: "All revolution is destinied to failure,the true revolution is inner"

If we try to improve ourselves we will be making something for a better world.

Do not wait to receive more than you give.Give the others the best of you and

you will be participating in making a better world



I would like the world be be free of disease and war! A happy place for all and no suffering

sounds like Heaven doesn't it??

Wyoming, USA


I really liked your page. I love the way you combined the pictures like that. Very creative and unique.

Also, it makes you think a lot. I love it.



Everything has a soul, be it a fish, a rock or a human, and all are equal in the eyes of our mother earth.

We must learn to respect all and love all in life ar if it where a fabulous painting, a rare flower or a Spanich wine.

Charleston, South Carolina USA


I think the world is a beautiful place.All we need is love and care to nourish and nurture it.



Hoy las estrellas no se atrevieron a salir.

Temían competir con la belleza de tus ojos

y la tristeza de los mios.

Hoy, el sol mandó a sus infinitos

hijos a cruzar un desierto

de 8 minutos

para recordarme que te quiero

Pero quizas mañana me beses

y entonces...

tal vez...

vuelva a sentir la vida

sin éste mar que

empaña mi mirada.

El poema es para A. Bogo, la mujer de la que estoy enamorado, pero

me temo que tú te lo mereces más.

Bellísima página.



Este site es excelente, ojala todo el mundo entero pueda entrar aqui y meterse en la cabeza que las esperanzas las sigue habiendo!!!!


december.gif (7746 bytes)

First 10 Reflections received on December 1997 -10 Primeras reflexiones recibidas en el mes de Diciembre del 1997


Me encuentro en un lugar donde no estoy solo jamas.Mi union me lo impide y mi compasion tira de mi para

deciros cosas,hablar con vosotros y compartir un pensamiento,un sentimiento que me hace semejante

a vosotros.Si una palabra puede significar tantas cosas, ¿que no haran todas juntas a traves del tiempo viajando

de hombre en hombre?. Solo es una parte de ti lo que te puede impedir moverte.

Si estas pensando en hacer algo:hazlo. Os deseo Paz y AMOR a todos vosotros.

Murcia -Spain


I wish that everyone in the world could experience peace, happiness

and fun. The greatest riches a person can hope to "acheive". If

we have this, all else falls into place.

St. Joseph - USA


What this world needs is a little more Jesus. OK, a lot more. He is perfection and His blood on the cross makes us perfect.

This world means little. In a way it is simply the pre-requisite for Heaven... or Hell is you fail the test here. And to fail the test is silly.

It is an open book test... so many people are using the wrong books. There is the Book of Life, inspired directly by God Himself and

it says everything you need to know. Period. If there was ever a solution to "all the world's problems" and a doctrine of "world peace,"

the Holy Bible would be it. No more, no less. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Orange County - USA


El amor todo lo puede, amate a ti mismo, a tu familia, el lugar en que vives, la gente que te rodea y ayuda con lo que mas

puedas a quien lo necesita..... a veces una sonrisa, un "tu puedes", o un apapacho hace milagros....

para tener un mundo mejor empieza por ti y los tuyos ... ... y no pienses mas.. ...prueba....

D.F. - Mexico City


It is a good thing.....You r ... We r all worshipping the same god, wether it be buddha, krishna, money or elvis....

And it all comes down to our selves, neglected or not.....There you go .. :-) Peace....

Sweden - Europe


If we could just take a moment to put aside our greed and our prejudice and

if we could see each other as humans, as we see ourselves,

as our peers then humanity may actually have a chance to live

together as the one people we truelly are. At least that is my one hope.

New York City -USA


When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.

When people see some things as good, other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.

Difficult and easy support each other.

Long and short define each other.

High and low depend on each other.

Before and after follow each other.

(Tao te Ching, track 2)

San Diego - California USA


Sólo puedo pensar en lo difícil que debe ser para todos los humanos mantener sobre los hombros el peso de este

mundo . No quiero imaginar que fuera para sólo un hombre. No hay mejor que confiar en la fuerza de cada quien.

Eso es lo mejor para todos, para este mundo.

Guadalajara - Mexico City


La Humanidad está perdiendo los valores positivos por el afan de tener poder, económico y social.

Las personas cada vez se solidrizan menos con todo y diluyen la responsabilidad personal como si a cada cual

no le correspondiese esa parcela . Pero... hay un grupo que anima a no tirar la toalla porque su mensaje es positivo

y desinteresado. Si el mundo intuyese que cuando se hace algo bueno , porque sí, el beneficio es tan grande, que te da fuerza

y optimismo para nadar entre las dificultades Piensa positivo!, serás feliz.

Spain -Europe


We are all members of the same race.. The human race.

We are all citizens of the same planet.

We are responsible for not only ourselves but all of those around us. What we fail to do for others reflects what we fail to do for ourselves.

Get involve and keep in mind we have the same mother. Mother Earth.

Atlanta, Georgia - USA

Go back to de form

Now you decide.... go back and write your own good vibrations for the world or continue to the end of this trip...

Ahora usted decide...volver y escribir sus propias buenas vibraciones para el mundo .....o continuar hasta el final de este viaje...

Agora vostede decide....voltar e escribir as suas propias boas vibracions para o mundo....ou continuar ata o remate desta viaxe...

© Lugo Galicia Spain 1997-2005  Anna Maria Lopez Lopez
All rights reserved . Todo-los dereitos reservados . Todos los derechos reservados